Thursday, November 15, 2012

The core strategy of our business was to differentiate our product offering on the basis of consistent food quality and segment our market by providing a unique value proposition!!! :P

Hee hee…just kidding… ;) 

The journey started with finalizing the place for our café and finding a name…Interestingly,  deciding on name took more rounds of discussion than deciding the menu.. ;) fed up with those discussions.. I agreed on ‘Pablo’... The name doesn’t even have a farfetched connection with Italian food but it was short and simple and it did save us a lot on printing cost! ;) 

Next, we had to hire an expert Italian chef…  And when traditional ways didn’t seem to be working we went the unconventional way… the POACHING way… that was the first dose of real shit! We poached our chef from a well-known Italian café... We realized that in business it’s not about being fair and cautious ...instead u have to be bold and do whatever it takes to make it work..
So, we were all set for the grand opening… And on the very first day we were left in lurch… our counter guy didn’t turn up for his job… :o Big problem..!!! We didn’t know who will stand at the counter to take orders…  After much persuasion... I agreed to be 'counter lady' for a day...with a smile on my face and hope in my eyes, i stood there staring at each and every person entering the food court... Smile slowly faded as the day ended with just 5 orders.. :(

I dunno..May be all the Porter 5 forces were working against us!!! ;)

How we salvaged the situation and came out of it... will be in my next post… See u soon.. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
– Albert Einstein

I had no idea what I was getting into, when I said yes to an offer made by a close friend to start an Italian café! These entrepreneurs have a knack of selling you an idea which looks so profitable that you can’t refuse (Sigh)... furthermore, you even start dreaming of making it big like all those Dhirubhai Ambanis and Birlas.. (Who am I kidding boss!!!)

We started our journey…... mmm…. on internet….. :D, doing some secondary research on ‘how to start your own business’.. …some random theories and gyan came up……

  1.  Do your market research
  2. Keep your branding simple
  3. Get a PR team
  4. Have a passion
  5. Believe in your idea…

I tried to follow all the guidelines religiously, only to realize that theories rarely fit into actual situations….

OK….the last few statements came at the cost of going in contrast to my blog’s name…. well, I promise you some ‘real shit, and no gyan’ in my upcoming posts………….. ;) :D