Sunday, November 4, 2012

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
– Albert Einstein

I had no idea what I was getting into, when I said yes to an offer made by a close friend to start an Italian café! These entrepreneurs have a knack of selling you an idea which looks so profitable that you can’t refuse (Sigh)... furthermore, you even start dreaming of making it big like all those Dhirubhai Ambanis and Birlas.. (Who am I kidding boss!!!)

We started our journey…... mmm…. on internet….. :D, doing some secondary research on ‘how to start your own business’.. …some random theories and gyan came up……

  1.  Do your market research
  2. Keep your branding simple
  3. Get a PR team
  4. Have a passion
  5. Believe in your idea…

I tried to follow all the guidelines religiously, only to realize that theories rarely fit into actual situations….

OK….the last few statements came at the cost of going in contrast to my blog’s name…. well, I promise you some ‘real shit, and no gyan’ in my upcoming posts………….. ;) :D


  1. Quite a contrast to the usual blogs. Looking forward.

  2. great start..looking forward to some more real shit!!

  3. Real shit coming your way real soon...

  4. This is going to be really interesting!!! Would like to know how was food & beverage menu decided upon.

  5. Good common sense stuff. Keep up the good job. Will be an avid follower of your blog

  6. Its great to relive our "The Craziest Ride" so far and share its invaluable lessons! Let me know if you need help in recalling those days! :)
